Tuesday 13 September 2011

Textual Analysis 1 - Two Door Cinema Club - Undercover Martyn

Two Door Cinema Club are an indie rock band from Bangor and Donaghadee, County Down in Northern Ireland. Formed in 2007, the band is composed of band members: Sam Halliday (lead guitar, backing vocals), Alex Trimble (vocals, rhythm guitar, beats, synths) and Kevin Baird (bass, backing vocals). They released their debut album 'Tourist History' on March 1 2010. It was released on 26 February 2010 in the Republic of Ireland and on 1 March 2010 in the UK and was released in the USA on 27 April 2010. Undercover Martyn was the third single released by Two Door Cinema Club and was released on18th February 2010 by the French record label Kitsune Music which the band are signed to. Undercover Martyn was of the singles that was released from the ablum and it was seen as a slightly different video to what most indie/alternative bands produce. The video has been described as energetic, colorful and danceable by many of their fans. The video shows the three band members on a black canvas floating in mid air, along with their instruments, which is a characteristics of the indie/alternative genre. Throughout the video it continues to show the trio performing their music and having fun, along with some simple transitions and clever editing it makes the video enjoyable and fun to watch.

The relationship between lyrics and visuals mainly visual and peformance based and there is rarely any illustrative throughout the video. The main theme of the the video is showing that the band want just want to play their music and be different from other bands out their in the alternative/indie genre. The video starts off as with the group against a black background, but it seems to the auidience that they are standing but actually the camera angle has been changed, the band are actually laying on the floor and being held by numerous people who are all dressed in black and blend into the background. The first two lines of the song are 'And she spoke words that would melt in your hands, And she spoke words of wisdom' These lyrics have no revelance to the visuals which are shown at this part in the song, all it shows is a close up of the lead singer singing these two lines. The next couple of lines, where the singer says 'to the basement people, to the basement'. When the word basement is sung, the letters of basement come up behind the band. Throughout the song the lyrics of the song have no connection with the visuals of the video.

Throughout the video the band play their guitars and the middle person who is the lead singer singsalong,with very little movement other than tapping their feet which then looks a little strange as if they were standing up they would not be able to move their feet that freely. As the video progresses the people holding them up proceed to turn the band members whole bodies around and take their guitars off of them as they do so, however as we are not supposed to see the people in the background it looks very peculiar. The people behind also pass through very long colourful bits of material in order to make it look like a special effect but in its most basic form.  The key concept of this video is to make it look as basic as possible and to not feature any high-tech camera work such as CGI’s. This then links to the Indie Genre as it portrays its characteristics of just featuring the band and making them and their instruments the main focus point rather than anything else within the video.

The lighting is kept the same throughout, however at one moment they use a special lighting which then makes the clothes and guitars look as if they are glowing and the rest of their bodies are completely blacked out, this then changes from this to normal very quickly and repeatedly to add special effect.
This then links to the editing that has been made within the video. They have used a lot of fast shot changes to make it more enticing to watch as the band are being flipped upside down and around very quickly.  Other than this there has been no other editing made as the rest of the movement of the band and other features of the video is all done by the numerous people who are holding the band members and continually are doing other things such as holding up letter cards spelling out the song lyrics and passing round the colourful material. This makes the whole video more intriguing to watch as it is all done by people and not by the use of computers.
There is also not a lot of camera work used, the angle is kept the same throughout positioned facing the whole band and occasionally producing close-ups featuring just their shoulders and heads. This again adapts to the idea of the indie genre music videos as they try to keep it as simplistic as they can to meet the sound of the music being produced.

The clothes that the band members are wearing are very smart casual, again meeting the requirements of an Indie stereotype. As they are all wearing quite tight fitted clothes such as chinos,  with the same kind of cool look about them. A lot of Indie listeners tend to dress the same as they see specific band members wearing particular clothing and their proceed the wear the same in a aspiring way.

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