Tuesday 15 November 2011

Costume/Props/Casting - Undercover Martyn

Before we started filming we needed to make sure that our characters looked and acted the part for our video of Undercover Martyn. We first of all discussed what props will be used throughout the video to make the video look realistic and as indie/alternative as possible. We also needed to make sure that we related to our target audience so that they can relate to what the props are and make the them feel like the video is in the alternative/indie genre. The props in which we had come up with were guitars, amplifiers, a mic and other little things to make it look just that little more indie. Once we had come to an agreement on what props we were going to use we then had to come to a decision on who was going to cast and what part in the music video. Callan suggested that all three of us played the band members and we didn't hesistate to say yes. So we agreed on myself playing the bass guitarist, Callan playing the lead guitarist and Ricardo being the lead singer. This then made us come on to what costume to wear for the music video. We researched into what kind of clothes indie muscians wear and by doing this we just searched into google indie clothes. Once we had selected some  clothes to wear, which were jeans. chinos, graphical t-shirts etc, we decided then we were ready to start to film.

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