Wednesday 9 November 2011

Target Audinece Research

Two Door Cinema Club targets an audience of Alternative, Indie, Electropop music enthusiasts. As the music does have a dance/electro edge to it, it would also appeal to dance and pop music fans,making the single quite dynamic and to appealing to a range of listeners.  Me, Ricardo and Callan decided to do some research to help truly identify the groups main target group, and to do so we looked at a source who are currently promoting the band - the music magazine NME. The magazines target audience is mainly males between the ages of 17-30 with 75% of their readers male. Therefore we can approximate the majority of Two Door Cinema Club's fans follow the same trend. As well as this on Two Door Cinema Clubs website, they have stated that they are currently touring round the country performing in clubs and bars, which shows them to be targeting the teenage/young adult market segment. Because of this we must make our music video target mostly male 17-30 year olds who are interested in indie music. A website called UKTribes tells of how they believe that todays 'Indie Kids', would be the ones to listen to and purchase Two Door Cinema Club's music.

The demographics of Two Door Cinema Club are social classes C2 and C1, which are the lower middle class and skilled working class. We believe that these are the social classes of the band as the band were from this social class backgrounds. Not only that but as a group we have first hand seen the band twice live. From this experince we reliased what the demographics were of the band. The social classes C1 and C2 state:
  • C1 - Lower middle classs - Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses,
    specialist clerical staff etc
  • C2 - Skilled working class - Skilled workers, tradesperons
     (A, B, C: white collar)
We also believe from our own experience and from research from looking on Fan Websites like their Facebook group, you can see that a large handful of the people which are commenting and joining the group are students, which are from the demographic social class E. So we also believe that a large section of the bands target audience are from the social class E.

By relating to the target audience of Two Door Cinema Club's demographics, we have come to an agreement that the physcogrpahics of the band are Explorers and Reformers. We believe this by relating to Young & Rubicam's system. The two physcographics Explorers and Reformers according to Young & Rubicam state that:

The Explorer
These people are driven by a need for discovery, challenge and new frontiers. Young in nature, if not
in reality, Explorers are often the first to try out new ideas and experiences. They respond to brands
that offer new sensations, indulgence and instant effects. In short, difference is what they seek out.
Their core need is life is for discovery.

The Reformer
"Don't tell me what to do or what to think" says the Reformer, valuing their own independent judgement.
Reformers are the most anti-materialistic of the seven groups, and are often perceived as intellectual.
They are social aware, and pride themselves on tolerance. Reformers seek out the authentic and the harmonious, and are often at the leading edge of society. However, unlike Explorers, they will not buy things just because they are new. Their core need in life is for enlightenment.

From our Target Audience Research we have found out that we will need to include certain factors into our video. We need to make sure that are video is up pace and that we make sure that we are including things that the male gender will like. Also by looking at the demographics and physcographics we need to make sure that we make the video basic but effective to show that the video is enlighting and allow the audience each time watching it to discover something.

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