Sunday 20 November 2011

Location Shots For Undercover Martyn

In the presentation above you can see that we have taken pictures of the locations that we are going to film at. As a group we dicussed that it would be the best to look around for locations before filming as then we would have a better idea of what to film. Not only that but we tried to find what locations would relate best to our storyboards. On a whole we decided to film surronding the Windsor Lesuire Centre as there were a lot of different unique and urban locations in which we could film at. We decided that we were going to have this locations for this reasons:
  • The area's are urban, which relate really well with our target audience, which is prodomantly male, as this area's can be related to by males from the ages of 17-30 as many of them walk through this kind of area's to get to work etc. Also it gave that urban feel which relates really well to the indie/alternative genre.
  • We also chose these locations due to the fact that they related really well to our clothes and it made us stand out when filming. Our clothes are indie/alternative clothes and stand out really well, in the dark urban area's in which we filmed in.
  • Finally we selected these locations as many other indie/alternative music video's have similar kinds of locations in their videos and we wanted to relate to that concept and we felt that these locations worked perfectly for our music video of Undercover Martyn.

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